Reclaim your life &
Hi! I'm Jenny
Through a unique blend of therapeutic coaching,
mental health tools, ​​psychoeducation, behaviour analysis and clinical hypnotherapy, my Well programmes put the focus on you and your journey to achieve positive transformations in your life.
Mental Health Coach & Founder of Well
"Happiness is not the absence of problems,
it's the ability to deal with them"
What is Mental Health Coaching?
Mental health coaching is a supportive partnership that can empower you to improve mental health, build mental fitness and achieve your personal goals. It's a goal-oriented approach that focuses on the present and future, helping you to develop strategies to overcome challenges and build resilience.
Although we may consider the past, mental health coaching concentrates on exploring practical tools and techniques that work for you.
How can Mental Health Coaching
help me?
Ways to live Well
Mental Health Coaching Programmes
Well in Work
Workshops | 1:1 Employee Support | Monthly Coaching
While Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) offer valuable support, some businesses strive to deliver above and beyond for their employees. Well in Work mental health partnerships provide a unique and individualised programme that pro-actively nurtures the minds of your team, cultivates a positive company culture and empowers each person to thrive at work.